A Fun Q&A with Ashley Ratcliff

Our latest blog (thanks to our friends at Craft Alliance Co. - our WA Distributor) dives into the world ofAshley Ratcliff, the man who’s helping redefine the Riverland.

Ricca Terrais driving sustainable farming in the Riverland region of South Australia; crafting premium vegan wines from alternative grape varieties which align to our changing climatic condition.
 At Ricca Terra’s helm, Ashley Ratcliff. We sat down and had a chat about his dream to create one ofAustralia’s great vineyardsby challenging tradition and forging lasting change.

Ricca Terra wines in three words…Fun, flavour, fantastic.

Can you break down three of your lesser-known varietals for us…

 Grenache BlancQuite similar to Chardonnay. Works very well for long lunches, lasagna and laughter.

 Tinta CãoComparable to a Cabernet Sauvignon. You’ll enjoy a glass (or a bottle) on a cold night with an open fire.

 Arinto –The zippy Portuguese cousin of Sauvignon Blanc – think sand, seafood and sunsets.


What are we pairing Ricca Terra wines with?

Vermentinoand seafood pizza.

Fianoand fresh crunchy fish fingers.

Nero d’Avolaand nachos.

What do you love most about making wine…The expressions of the grapes turned into wine and the expression of the year; each year produces different quality wines.


Where will Aussie winemaking be in another five to ten years…I hope we are going to see more climate adaptive varieties become more commonly known and heroed on wine lists.


Currently listening to…Mark Bouris podcasts


Currently reading…Grit by Angela Duckworth


Currently sipping on …this summer we are enjoyingGrenache Blanc, and anything withskin contact.

Follow us on social media: Watch Ash's video "Despite the challenges of vintage, it's important to have a laugh and not take things too seriously!"

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